Monday, December 3, 2012


This is my prediction essay about how I think the book Another thing would end.

And Another Thing is about a man named Arthur and his adventures through space. In this book, Earth gets destroyed, a god dies, Arthur’s wife falls in love with an immortal alien, and Earths new colony on Nano is saved by Thor sacrificing himself. Anything could happen in a crazy universe like this. This is my prediction about what will happen after all these events. The star-crossing lovers Tricia and Wowbagger should have to die, because Wow bagger has made half the universe angry, and well…everyone else would be envious of their happiness together.

In the dark abyss of space, a square-like alien spacecraft pulls itself sluggishly towards a colony of Earthlings on the planet Nano. Inside the ship, the aliens were eager to blow up a planet, especially after coming here once only to be thwarted by a god. The ugly aliens were giddy with excitement of finally exterminating the Earthlings after countless trips through hyperspace and back. As they loaded up first round of torpedoes and launched them out, you could probably hear them from the surface and just anticipate destruction.

Tricia MacMillan was off happily insulting every person in the universe with her true love, Wowbagger. Wowbagger was a green alien that was once immortal until Thor had hit him so hard that it went right out of him. Back in his days of immortality he would go around insulting nearly everyone in the universe in alphabetical order for no real reason. Wowbagger suddenly thought about what the point of this was. He went to Tricia and told her that they needed to go back to Nano. He just felt like he had to be there. In less than an hour, they had already reached the atmosphere of Nano, only to find a massive fleet of torpedoes coming right at them.
Rationale for Prediction
In space, anything could happen. Anything. Space doesn’t care if you’re the main character, they’ll kill you with a sandwich anyway. Stuff like this happens The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy. Earth was blown up right when the not-so-blessed Arthur Dent returned to his home planet. Although he managed to escape, his wife fell in love with a green immortal alien. With the assistance of Wowbagger the immortal, they made it to “a second Earth”. The relentless Vogons tried to blow up that planet too, but they were thwarted by Thor, the Thunder God, who blew up all their missiles. Everything was happy, but my prediction says something different. I believe that the new lovers should be sacrificed to save the people of Earth for a third time.

I think this prediction would be most accurate because in this series, the books tend to end very…unhappily. What better way to do that than kill off the new lovers? They could be happy together in heaven, or whatever religion they are.

Another reason I think it should end like this is because people hate Wowbagger. He tried to insult everyone in the entire alphabetical order. A lot of people Hate him. A lot of people want him dead. Ending it like this would make mostly everyone more happy.

I’m not being mean but Tricia and Wowbagger should get hit by a missile so they can go be all lovey-dovey in the afterlife. Everyone else could live their marvelous lives sipping on tropical drinks with little umbrellas in it while the sunshine adds a little flavor to the drink. Just think about it. Nothing good comes without giving something up.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Character Analysis

This is my character development piece on the book Vladimir Todd. I will explain how the main character changes throughout the story.

Vladimir Todd was pretty used to living secretly as a vampire. His aunt brings him blood bags from the hospital every day. He keeps his fangs hidden at all costs. But when his teacher disappears and is replaced by a mysterious substitute, everything will change.
Vladimir’s new teacher, Mr. Otis knows Vladimir’s secret. Vlad starts to be more cautios because this could change the entire way he lives. If everyone in the town knew he was a vampire he’d probably be dead. Later in the book Vlad becomes scared because Otis and another mysterious man are trying to find his dad. He thought his dead had been dead for 3 years now. Vladimir gets really curious and searches around his old house but before he can find anything the mysterious man shows up and takes his aunt. Vladimir suddenly realizes that saving family is more important and that he must save his aunt.
Vladimir changed in many ways throughout the book. His life was pretty normal until the catalyst, Mr. Otis came in. He started to be extra careful not to reveal his secret.  Another book that has a similar character development is The Maze Runner. In this book, when an odd girl enters the camp of all boys, people are extra careful around her. Sometimes in books odd figures can frighten people and change the way they act.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Patriot’s Pen

This is my Patriots Pen essay about what I would tell the Founding Fathers if I saw them.

What is patriotism? Ask yourself that. Is it wearing an “I Love America” shirt on Fourth of July while fireworks burst in colorful explosions in the ink black sky? Is it putting your arm up to your heart and singing the National Anthem every day? Or is it the men who leave their families behind and sacrifice their lives for our country, just because they unconventionally love it? That is true patriotism.

            I’m in Independence Hall next to all the Founding Fathers, the bright July sunlight shining into the quiet building as the last person scrawls their name in perfect cursive. Would I want break to our country’s forerunners that would they worked hard for would just eventually fade into something that is in an American’s daily life? For example, lazily reciting the Pledge of Allegiance every morning during school or taking off your hat at a football game reluctantly as someone’s angel voice pierces the air. If any of us lived in a less blessed country, we would realize how special America is. In Africa, their leaders would rather kidnap children and cause bloodshed. In America, at least the government only steals your money.

            After hearing information like that, how do you think the Founding Fathers feel? Would they work so hard to make a country if they knew people would just eventually take it for granted? If the Founding Fathers knew how America was today, we probably wouldn’t have America. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Conflict Resolution
This is my Conflict Resolution piece about the book Where the Red Fern Grows which is about a boy and his two dogs and his experiences with them and why they were so special.

A little boy has finally saved up money to buy hunting dogs. After training them to hunt very well, he wants to take them to a raccoon hunting competition. He will fight against the powers of nature such as weather, animals, unfortunate mishaps. Its all person vs. nature in this one.
   Once he has entered the competition with his two dogs he has to put up with cold weather right away. He captures a decent amount of raccoons during the day, but at nightfall it starts snowing. The boy starts to get super cold. Eventually a snowstorm arrives and he loses his dogs. Next morning he wakes up and goes searching for them. They are circling around a tree with the last raccoon they need to win. After awhile, they kill it and head back to camp. Waiting there for them is a gold trophy and a box full of money. Him and his dogs had successfully won the competition. They lived happily until one night one dog dies from a mountain lion. The other dog dies of depression in a way. The end.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

And Another Thing...
Picture this. You are minutes away from your whole entire planet being destroyed? What would you do? Would you spend your final dying moments with your family and friends? Would you panic and end your life before something else beats you to it? Would you try your best to survive? Or would you just sit there helplessly hoping to be saved?
   These are some questions running through Arthur, Ford, and Tricia's mind as gigantic alien laser beams beat down on Earth. Aliens called Vogons were instructed not so long ago to destroy the Earth. All for what? So they could make a hyperspace highway. Who knew it would affect these unfortunate Earthlings? People wanted to make a highway, but Earth was in the way. Cause. Millions of billions Earth people die from killer alien mercenary people. Effect. If this event never happened, Arthur, Ford, and Tricia would've never gotten  to travel around space and have adventures, which means the story couldn't continue. 

 This is Tristan Zirkle's cause & effect writing piece about the book And Another Thing in the series The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It is about people who survive Earths destruction and have adventures around space.

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Maze Runner

This is my retelling of the book The Maze Runner.

   A teen name Thomas is thrown into a mysterious place with a maze with no memory of his past, where he is stranded with hundreds of other kids like him. Just days later in the teenager- ran establishment, an unknown girl named Teresa appears, and upon her arrival weird things with the maze start happening. People say time is running out and they have to escape the maze. Thomas leads a ragtag group of kids out to the real world and soon figures out that maybe life was better in the maze... 

Thursday, September 27, 2012



This is the personal narrative about the time I broke my leg and how if I got Skittles nothing would have happened.

Many miles away from my hometown, in a camp named Marengo, I was in a field in the middle of the forest which people called a “soccer field.  All they did was put two simple soccer nets there. The only reason they were there is because there was a soccer tournament going on. A bunch of kids, all ages, waiting in utter excitement to win something. The camp staff says its only about having fun, but they don’t care. Everyone just wanted to best the other team.

The first teams lined up for the face-off. The first match-up was all girls. Of course most guys didn’t pay attention to that game, because women’s soccer is soooo intense.  All kids on the bleachers just conversated as the first game went on and on. I don’t think I even know who won.

The next match was my team and some other girls team. I got stuck as goalie. There wasn’t much scoring so I got insanely bored. I started doing cartwheels and danced.  Eventually my team won. Big surprise.
After the second game, I started to get really bored. Nothing was happening and soccer was losing its fun.  Spoiler alert. After basically sitting by the goal for hours on end twiddling  my thumbs,  my team once again was victorious. We had just once the final game and took the whole tournament, but nobody was celebrating.  People were just relieved that the exhausting tournament was over. The sun was still beating down on me as sweat trickled my face.

All of a sudden, a staff member raised up his megaphone and announced “ It’s time for the Staff vs. Champions game!!!”.

Suddenly I felt a craving for Skittles, but I also really wanted to play just for the satisfaction of beating every single. While I sat there thinking about what I should do, the megaphone made the decision for me.

“Last call! Eat or play!” he declared as some players jogged onto the field or slowly meandered their way to the snack bar.

I guess I would  just go and play. Who knows what would happen in this game? Would I get stuck like glue as goalie again, spending my time just cart wheeling and dancing? Would we finally lose? Would something horrible happen? I found out within a matter of minutes.

As the tall and lanky staff player jogged across the field, no defenders standing in between him and victory besides me. Pressure was on me as he approached. He no less than 10 feet away now. All of a sudden he was there! I thought as quick as I could as he tried to get around me and slid and shout my left leg out in an effort to trip him.

He tumbled to the ground and landed hard on my outstretched leg and you heard was a snap. I heard gasps from the bleachers. Everything went black for a split second, and then pain rushed into my leg. It was like someone had started up a flamethrower in my leg then chopped it up like sushi. Strangely at that exact moment I was thinking about Skittles.

I should’ve got some delicious, juicy , fruity-flavored Skittles. Instead I’m here laying in the back of an ambulance with a broken leg. This is why I hate decisions…